What is a domain name and how can I buy one?

A domain name is a user-friendly address, sometimes referred to as a URL or Unique Resource Locator. The internet works on IP address which are numbers, similar to that of a phone number, however names appear to be a more simple way to remember a location rather than a set of numbers. Like the majority of companies, vHost Direct choose to publicise our domain name www.vhostdirect.co.uk rather than our IP address.

Your domain name is unique to you. When a user types it into an internet browser like Google's Chrome or Internet Explorer, they will be displayed directly with your space on the internet. This can be used for Hosting. Domain names can also be used for email addresses, so rather than relying on your jane.doe@btinternet.com address, you could have jane@doe.com /.uk /,co.uk / .org (and many more variations).


How do I choose a domain name?

We have years of experience helping people select their domain names, which typically are named after their business or hobby, however as years have gone by, trends have changed also, so we highly recommend contacting us to discuss your domain and/or hosting requirements. We typically aim to answer phone calls within 3 rings and emails within 24 hours.


When will my domain(s) expire and how will i know?

As you now know, there are many variations of domain name and you can pay up front for 1 - 10 years. We will notify you when a domain is due to expire via email at 90/60/30/15/7/3 & 1 day notice periods before the expiration date. Furthermore, we will also attempt to contact you via telephone as the expiration date approaches.

Should you allow the domain to expire, or we fail to get in contact with you, the domain will become available once again to the public following a redemption period, and may be subject to an additional redemption fee.

If you no longer wish to carry on with your contract with vHost Direct Limited, please notify us no less than 30 days before your services are due to be renewed. Your account will only be deemed as terminated once all outstanding balances have been paid in full. vHost Direct Limited will not charge you for transferring a domain(s) away to another registrar. The customer acknowledges that, termination of the agreement for any reason will result in vHost Direct Limited ceasing to provide the applicable services, with the consequences that flow from such cessation, including (but not limited to), deletion of data e.g. hosting account(s) and mail boxes.


How do I renew my domain(s)?

We will contact you with enough notice on, and how to renew, so don't worry, you're in good hands.


What are the terms & conditions of purchasing through, or dealing with vHostDirect limited?

A copy of our full Terms & Conditions can be found here: https://www.vhostdirect.co.uk/terms
As a registrar of Nominet (the .uk registry), a copy of their terms & conditions can be viewed here: http://www.nominet.org.uk/go/terms